Electronic set:
Extract the folder 01, and copy in to SD card; insert it in the SD card reader MP3 located on the MPH board.
Tracks can be customized at will, but you have to respect the numbers and extensions.
100_speed.mp3 –> 100_speed_55_limit.mp3
101_temp_egt.mp3 –> 101_EGT_warning.mp3
102_RPM.mp3 –> 102_max_RPM.mp3
103_Fuel.mp3 –> 103_Fuel.mp3
You can change the name (always put _ not the space between one word and another) after the number to make the file more easily identifiable.
The electronics need the number at the beginning, to reproduce the correct file
This folder contains files that are needed to run sound in the switchpod buttons. Again, the files can be renamed at will, only don’t change the number of the file and extention.
Unzip and copy the folder to your SD card or USB stick MP3 player of MPH card